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 _OvrInitEms()           Initialize Expanded Memory for Overlays

 #include   <dos.h>

 void       int _OvrInitEms(emsHandle, Page1, Numpages);
 unsigned emsHandle;    0 or valid EMS handle
 unsigned Page1;        First page
 unsigned Numpages;     Limit of available pages

        The _OvrInitEms() function initializes expanded memory for use by
        C++'s overlay manager. If emsHandle is zero, the overlay manager
        allocates EMS pages; if emsHandle is not zero, it should be a valid
        EMS handle (and you can specify Page1).

       Returns:     0 for success.

   Portability:     Unique to 8086 family of processors.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
        This example asks the overlay manager to check for expanded
        memory and lets it use 32 pages (512K).

        #include <dos.h>

        int main(void)
           _OvrInitEms (0, 0, 32);
           return 0;

See Also: _OvrInitExt()
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